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EcoLab members

Department of Aquaculture and Marine Biology

School of Applied Marine Sciences

Universidad de Oriente

Assigned to the School of Applied Marine Sciences at Universidad de Oriente, we focus on assessing and describing the structure of populations of marine invertebrates, as well as assessing diversity in benthic communities at different spatial scales. Our laboratory has a strong focus in quantitative analysis of data.


We are located in Boca del Rio, at the beautiful peninsula of Macanao, Margarita Island, Venezuela






Before using ANOVA, know your hypotheses and know your design!


Marti J. Anderson (2008)


To call in the statistician after the experiment is done may be no more than asking him to perform a post-mortem examination: he may be able to say what the experiment died of.


Ronald Fisher (1938)



A lab is more than a room with four walls and their equipments... a lab is made by its members, their skills, projects, publications, ethics, mysticism, and commitment.




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