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  1. Guerra-Castro E. and Cruz-Motta J.J. (2014). Ecology of fouling assemblages associated with mangrove’s roots: an artificial substrate for manipulative experiments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 457: 31-40.

  2. Guerra-Castro, E., 2012. Diversidad de especies, patrones y procesos estructurales de las comunidades incrustantes asociadas a las raíces de mangle rojo Rhizophora mangle L., Tesis Doctoral. Centro de Ecología. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Altos de Pipe, pp. 309.

  3. Carmona-Suárez, C.A. and Guerra-Castro E. (2012). Comparison of three quick methods to estimate crab size in the land crabs Cardisoma guanhumi (Latreille, 1825) and Ucides cordatus (L., 1763) (Crustacea: Brachyura: Gecarcinidae and Ucididae). Revista de Biología Tropical 60(Suppl. 1):139-149.

  4. Guerra-Castro E, Cruz-Motta J.J. and Conde J.E. (2011). Quantitative analysis of fouling diversity associated with roots of Rhizophora mangle L. in la Restinga lagoon national park. Interciencia 36(12): 1-8.

  5. Guerra-Castro, E., Carmona-Suárez, C.A., and Conde, J.E, 2011. Biotelemetry of crustacean decapods: sampling design, statistical analysis, and interpretation of data. Hydrobiologia 678(1):1-15

  6. Guerra-Castro E., Young P., Pérez A., Carteron S. and Alvizu A., 2011. Spatial variability and human disturbances in sponge assemblages associated with mangrove roots in the Southern Caribbean. Marine and Freshwater Research 62: 491-501.

  7. Cruz-Motta, J.J., Miloslavich, P., Palomo, G., Iken, K., Konar, B., Pohle, G., Trott, T., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Herrera, C., Hernández, A., Sardi, A., Bueno, A., Castillo, J., Klein, E., Guerra-Castro, E., Gobin, J., Gómez, D.I., Riosmena-Rodríguez, R., Mead, A., Bigatti, G., Knowlton, A., Shirayama, Y., 2010. Patterns of Spatial Variation of Assemblages Associated with Intertidal Rocky Shores: A Global Perspective. PLoS ONE 5, e14354.

  8. Rosana Moreira Rocha, E. Guerra-Castro, Carlos Lira, Sheila Pauls, Ivan Hernandez, Adriana Perez, Adriana Sardi, Jeannette Perez, Cesar Herrera, Ana Carbonini, Virginia Caraballo, Dioceline Salazar, Maria Cristina Diaz, Juan Cruz-Motta. 2010. Inventory of ascidians (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) from the National Park La Restinga, Isla Margarita, Venezuela. Results from a NaGISA workshop. Biota Neotropica 10 (1): 1-10

  9. Guerra-Castro, E., Carmona-Suárez, C.A., Conde, J.E., 2007. Activity patterns and habitat selection of the swimming crabs Arenaeus cribrarius and Callinectes ornatus. Journal of Crustacean Biology 27(1): 49-58.

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